Friday, November 11, 2005

I'm afraid we missed the chance to beget children. In some reasons or other, we procrastinated to become a parent.It's physically impossible for my wife to be pregnant at this time. Her body is removed the function to gestate because of surgery of uterus myoma.In retrospect, we should have had our children. What made me feel? Two reasons here.First, I begin to envy somebody having their children. The other day, I visited one of my colleagues in Kagoshima pref.He has two kids who are keen to football, swimming and English. He and his wife strongly dedicated themselves to support their kids.I could see their demeanor I've never seen in our office. But I felt the smell of "Family bond".Now I'm thinking that I wish we could have our kids.Besides, I can guess NO kids and relatives attend my death. I have a little worry about having to rely on help from others.Even if we have kids, I won't give them trouble for my care. But at least I want someone to be in at my finish.

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