Sunday, December 30, 2007

Which is more important for children, emotional development or intellectual development?

I believe that it’s more important to form emotional development at the first priority than intellectual development.

First, I consider emotional aspect is same as habits. It's very difficult to stop or change habits. As proverb goes, Habit is a second nature. It’s important to strengthen the emotional foundation at the early stage. To the contrary, we can change or modify intellectual interest later. For example, I hate conflict. I try to avoid conflict as much as possible. As is often the case, I end up compromising. But it’s better than stress caused by conflict. I did not change this emotional habit and I will not change. On the other hand, we can adjust intellectual development according to the situation. I didn’t realize the importance of English when I was student. But now, I recognize it with globalization and I believe that it’s not too late to make an effort to improve my English. We can compensate for the time loss if necessary.

Second, we need to maintain patience as a part of emotional aspect. I believe that more or less we demand patience to master something or learn something. Patience plays an important role to maintain continuance. For example, I majored in Physics in my university days. It was so pain in the neck to learn esoteric equations such as Einstein equation, Maxwell equation, Schrodinger equation whatever. Those are all basic equations to describe physical phenomenon. It’s tough to understand them. But my curiosity to know the meanings of those equations kept my patience. This is not a matter of intellectual factor but a matter of emotional factor.

In conclusion, emotional development is inevitable in education.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

The importance of curiosity in education

I believe that curiosity is vitally important in education. Its influence and contribution are significant.

First, curiosity can be a driving force to motivate us. For example, I can relate to my private experience. I’ve never lived abroad. I took conventional English education in junior high school and high school in Japan. I’m not in abundant English environment at workplace. But I’d like to know how high level such a person reaches at. It’s no exaggeration to say that this curiosity drives me to improve my English.

Second, curiosity can maintain patience. I believe that more or less we demand patience to master something or learn something. Curiosity plays an important role to maintain continuance. For example, I majored in Physics in my university days. It was so pain in the neck to learn esoteric equations such as Einstein equation, Maxwell equation, Schrodinger equation whatever. Those are all basic equations to describe physical phenomenon. It’s tough to understand them. But my curiosity to know the meanings of those equations kept my patience.

In conclusion, curiosity is inevitable in education.

How to improve the quality of education in Japanese universities

I believe that there is still big room to improve the quality of education in Japanese universities. I’d like to talk about this issue from two aspects.

First, enhancement of English speaking ability.
I'm afraid we have to admit that English level in Japan is quite low. Especially speaking ability.
How poor it is? At one international Semicon conference, interpreter is
assigned to Japanese speaker against speaker's will. Not for Korean and
Chinese but only for Japanese! This is a good evidence of Japanese poor English.
Despite 10 years of study, many people still can't handle speaking English.
Language ability is evaluated by solely through written methods in the
heated exam. wars. To the contrary, EIKEN includes a direct speaking component. We should more emphasize active ability to appeal one’s opinion than passive ability. 
I believe that installment of Eiken policy in Japanese universities is effective to improve their English level.

Second, sending employees of corporations to universities as professors.
It’s effective to make students experience cutting edge business. For example, one engineer of Panasonic resigned and he became professor of Tokyo Univ. One engineer of Toshiba became professor of Chuou Univ. They are sending significantly competent students to us. In both cases, those professors introduce the state-of-the-art technology to their students. It’s also beneficial to companies because it’s not necessary to teach them from scratch. I believe that we should more install this idea to the university program.

In conclusion, we can improve the quality of education in Japanese universities through language program reforming and implementing cutting edge business.

Recent trends in youth culture

I’d like to focus on two aspects of recent trends in youth culture.

First, what a waste too much frequently model change of cell phone is! Mobile phone products lineup are frequently changed every quarter. For example, some young people change their cell phones as if they change their clothes. Their cell pones can be still used and its function is no problem. Is it worth changing it? In Japan, we have boastful idea to all over the world in terms of waste. That’s a “what a waste movement”. This idea originates from Japan with 3R’s reduce, reuse and recycling. However this frequently model change is against the idea. It goes too far beyond environmentally friendly spirit.

Second, popularity of TATTO. The number of people has been increasing since the last two decades. Negative image still strongly remains in our society. It is said to be because TATTO is related to gangsters. Besides, it beyond traditional Japanese sense that bruising oneself given by parents is considered vice. However, new idea increasingly has been widespread among young people. They consider TATTO as fashion. Especially, they are influenced by celebrities such as famous football player -- David Beckham or movie star -- Angelina Jolie. I believe that it should be accepted as one form of fashion.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

How is globalization affected the world economy?

I believe that globalization promotes development by spreading technology and knowledge to all over the world. It positively enhances the world economy. I’d like to shed light on two aspects. One is for the economy in developing countries and the other is for the economy in developed countries.

First, investment/overseas operations contribute to generate job opportunity for people in host countries. I believe that launching a business in host countries or investment would be effective to increase their incomes. Besides, workers are taught skills and exposed to new technology. As a result, national strength of host countries would be enhanced. I believe that a strong industrial economy has been proved to be the best way to lift people out of poverty. This is significantly beneficial to developing countries. Let’s take semiconductor factory for example. Sony builds one semiconductor assembly factory in Thai land. It is said that establishment of this factory increased employment and boosted Thai land’s economy.

Second, the world economy has been encouraged by franchise system. I believe that one of the symbolic ideas of globalization is franchise system such as Macdonald, Seven-Eleven. Especially this business model has been penetrated in developed countries. We can find franchise chain shops at every corner across the nation. For example, Sushi, bowl of rice topped with beef, Chinese noodle franchise chain are typical in Japan. Launching franchise chain generates employment and vitalizes regional economy. The more workers’ income increases, the more its economy would be improved.

In conclusion, globalization is beneficial to both economy in developing countries and developed countries.

The most important characteristics of entrepreneurship

My answer to this question is management skill. I believe that they already have had ability to compete with their rivals. But to sustain their business, it’s not good enough. Management skill plays an important role. I’ll talk about why I think so by using two points.

First, they need to have strong leadership to manage their teams. More or less, they definitely need to work as team by hiring some employees or large number of employees. For example, Mr. Ibuka who is a founder of Sony corporation. He established electric-appliance maker with just twenty people. After sixty years later, the company had grown into huge company with twenty thousands employees. He issued the basic philosophy related management. He emphasized like this. “Do not pursuit just making profit. But think customer’s benefit over as the first priority”. This idea has been penetrated into every employee. It’s no exaggeration to say that his marvelous leadership led this company to one of the world's largest multinational conglomerate.

Second, they need to have socializing skill. Literally, they are faces of their companies. They need to build a good relationship as representative with their customers. As is often the case of Japanese, when it comes to communication skills, they come up wanting. Japanese are always silent participants in meeting and party. If they fail to enhance their credibility, their business would be also at stake. For example, I’ve accompanied one of the executives of the company I work for on an overseas trip. He handled day and night parties in spite of great age. He was good at harmonizing. Since then, I’ve gotten my perspective that those who lead company need socializing skill.

In conclusion, I believe that management skill such as leadership and socializing is vitally important to entrepreneurs.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Japan's role in the development of third world countries

Developed countries including Japan should contribute to combat poverty in Africa as a member of the world. I’ll talk about how we should support them using following two points.

First, Japan should contribute toward poverty by using food technology. I’d like to define food technology as tecqunique to preserve delicate taste for a long period. I believe that this technology contribute to preservative food. Let’s take instant noodle for example. The founder of Nissin, Momofuku Andou invented instant noodle. It is well suited for preservative food. As evidence, instant noodle was brought to space shuttle discovery. Of course, it contributed to hunger in Africa. Distributing Instant noodle as food aids is one solution. Besides, this technology could be used to preserve crops they cultivate.

Second, to generate job opportunity for people in Africa. I believe that launching a business in Africa or investment would be effective to increase their income. Let’s take semiconductor factory for example. Sony build one semiconductor assembly factory in Thai land. Establishment of this factory increased employment and boosted Thai land’s economy. This is just case for Asia but the analogy of this idea could be applied to the case in Africa. The chance of succeeding depends on environment such as geographical conditions, education, culture and so on. However this strategy would be one of the possible solutions for eliminating poverty in Africa

In conclusion, it’s no exaggeration to say that Developed countries play an important role to tackle with poverty from food aspect and industry aspect.

Should a person be forced to retire at a certain age?

My answer to this question is NO. I am strongly against retirement at a certain age. It is too many to enumerate/list. Due to medical improvement, age to be over the hill is extended. The life expectancy around WW2 was 50 years old. Now it is over 80. Age restriction is old-fashioned system before appearance of demographic imbalance. I believe we can expect huge merits from it. I’d like to shed light on two aspects here.

Firstly, postponing retirement can be one of the resolutions for work shortage. According to the demographic statistics, one in four in 2025 would be over 65 years old. Even now, we suffer from demographic imbalance. To solve this problem, to extend the retirement age can be good solution. The merit system has been installed for the last two decades. I believe the system is not a matter of age. Current 50’s and 60’s are still alive and kicking. As far as people who are willing to work can bear fruit, they should be allowed to continue their career. Their contribution compensate for the shortage of younger work force.

Secondly, we can secure time to succeed technology and craftsmanship. In some fields, age and accumulated knowledge are strong advantage. Researchers, engineers and professors may very well benefit from their many years of experience. It's very difficult to take over their experiences within a short time. Why is it short? In an extreme case, old tech is simple. The longer time goes by, the more technology is sophisticated. For example, transistor radio uses simple technology; to the contrary, mobile phone with multiple functions is so complicated. Younger engineers need time to master the distinguished knowledge and enhance it.

In conclusion, postponing the retirement age has two significant advantages. We can expect to secure work force and succession of technology and craftsmanship. These two are strongly related to national power.

If we don’t take measures on this issue, we will loose national power and competition in international markets.

How has Western corporate culture changed workers' attitudes in Japan?

I believe that Western corporate culture has a great positive impact on workers' attitudes in Japan. I’d like to talk about why I think so by using two reasons.

First, demarcation between on and off is clear. Flexible working time as a part of performance based system has been installed in our society for the last two decades. The basic idea is to give someone a free hand as long as they can bear fruit. For example, it has been available at my work place. I receive benefit from the system. We are allowed to come to the office around noon. Especially it’s beneficial when I suffer from hang over due to too much drink of previous night. I’m allowed to leave my office earlier than usual when I need to treat bank transaction. This is the moment that I feel I have temporal flexibility.

Second, workers have begun to use logical thinking for the last two decades. In globalize world, logical argument and direct debate are inevitable. Japanese tend to use common phrase such as “We will try to think about this matter positively.” It includes ambiguity and it could cause procrastination in some cases. Even Engineers who need logical thinking, they lack convincing data for argument. For example, some of my subordinates try to design our semiconductor micro chip for cell phone without any reason. I always chastise them. On the contrary, westerners demand clear ground/evidence. They set exact time/due date. I believe that this is good aspect Japanese should follow western’s example.

In conclusion, Western corporate culture has positive influence on workers' attitudes in Japan.

Recent trends amongst young workers

I’d like to focus two aspects about recent trends amongst young workers. One is mental aspect and the other is business manner. I believed that they are influenced by western corporate culture.

First, mentally vulnerable young generation. Performance based system, so called merit system has been installed in our society for the last two decades. As a negative aspect of performance based system, it generated stressful working environment. Employees are driven by the pressure that they need to bear fruits. Some people lack their confidence and they evaluate themselves as looser when they can’t perform well. For example, one of my subordinates who left our office due to mental depression confessed me that he was overwhelmed by excellency of coworkers and he felt inferior. I don’t think he’s looser at all. But he was annoyed by huge gap between his perfect world and real situation. It’s no exaggeration that present-day young generation is mentally vulnerable and they tend to suffer from illness of the soul.

Second, they lack of logical thinking. In globalize world, logical argument and direct debate are inevitable. Japanese tend to use common phrase such as “We will try to think about this matter positively.” It includes ambiguity and it could cause procrastination in some cases. Even Engineers who need logical thinking, they fail to show convincing data for argument. For example, some of my subordinates try to design our semiconductor micro chip for cell phone without any reason. I always chastise them. On the contrary, westerners demand clear ground/evidence. They set exact time/due date. I believe that this is good aspect Japanese should follow western’s example.

In conclusion, recent trends among young worker are characterized by two aspects. One is mental aspect and the other is business manner.

part-time work vs full-time work

I believe that we should increase the number of full-time workers. At first glance, it’s beneficial to corporates to hier part-time worker because labor cost is cheaper than hiering full-time worker. But, I believe we can expect huge merits from full-time work. I’d like to talk about why I think so by using two reasons.

First, part-time work causes the lack of tax. Part-time workers, nonregular contract employee are a third of the overall workforce. Their incomes are relatively low, if any, unstable. Further more, we are suffering demographic imbalance. Overwhelmingly, labor shortage hits our society. This trend ends up having small net tax. We would not be able to eamark for medical support, revamp of education and so on. It would hamper the enhancement of prosperity in Japan.

Secondly, we can secure time to succeed technology and craftsmanship. In some fields, age and accumulated knowledge are strong advantage. Researchers, engineers and professors may very well benefit from their many years of experience. It's very difficult to take over their experiences within a short time. Why is it short? In an extreme case, old tech is simple. The longer time goes by, the more technology is sophisticated. For example, transistor radio uses simple technology; to the contrary, mobile phone with multiple functions is so complicated. It’s very difficult for part-time worker who work partially to master the distinguished knowledge and enhance it. Full-time workers have advantage because their working condition is stable.

In conclusion, full-time work has two significant advantages. We can expect to secure tax income and succession of technology and craftsmanship. These two are strongly related to national power.

If we don’t take measures on this issue, we will loose national power and competition in international markets.

Friday, December 14, 2007

When is the generation gap most apparent in modern society?

In our society, we have wide differences in culture, experiences, opinions, habits and behavior. Now I’d like to focus two remarkable behaviors. One is for young generation and the other is for the elderly.

First, mentally vulnerable young generation. Performance based system, so called merit system has been installed in our society for the last two decades. As a negative aspect of performance based system, it generated stressful working environment. Employees are driven by the pressure that they need to bear fruits. Some people lack their confidence and they evaluate themselves as looser when they can’t perform well. For example, one of my subordinates who left our office due to mental depression confessed me that he was overwhelmed by excellency of coworkers and he felt inferior. I don’t think he’s looser at all. But he was annoyed by huge gap between his perfect world and real situation. It’s no exaggeration that present-day young generation is mentally vulnerable.

Second, blunt manner of the elderly. A lot of people criticize young generation’s behavior and lament the lack of moral such as bullying at school, eating food on the train and they don’t giving the elderly their seats. However, it seems that the elderly attitude would be more impolite rather than young generation. For example, I’ve ever come across the scene that the elderly orders his dish bluntly. Give me this dish! Bring it as soon as possible. I’ve never seen young people ordering their dishes with such a blunt way. Young people they can use polite expression such as “Can I have this dish, please” type. I assume that there is strong correlation between elderly blunt attitude and their military background or right-wing education. They were educated in hierarchical relation. They still maintain its idea even in postwar era. They tend to consider waiter/waitress as their subordinates. This is the moment I feel the generation gap.

In conclusion, it’s not exaggeration to say that mentally vulnerable and rigid attitude is remarkable in our society.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

My definition of "Freedom"

In my definition, “Freedom” is consisted of aspects. One is financial freedom and the other is temporal flexibility.

First, financial freedom. I love grilled chicken, Yakitori in Japanese. Yakitori with beer is the best matching. Way back when I was university student, I wanted to eat bunch of Yakitori from the bottom of my heart. But it was impossible just because I didn’t have any income if any, allowance from my parents. Small potatoes never satisfied my young big appetite. I consider that this is financial restriction. Now, I have enough income and all the money at my command to enjoy Yakitori. I feel I got finaicial freedom. However, I’m over the hill anymore. So the limitation is decided by my small appetite.

Second, temporal flexibility. Flexible working time as a part of performance based system has been installed in our society for the last two decades. The basic idea is to give someone a free hand as long as they can bear fruit. For example, it has been available at my work place. I receive benefit from the system. We are allowed to come to the office around noon. Especially it’s beneficial when I suffer from hang over due to too much drink of previous night. I’m allowed to leave my office earlier than usual when I need to treat bank transaction. This is the moment that I feel I have temporal flexibility.

In conclusion, I’m enjoying finaicial freedom and temporal flexibility. I’m significantly satisfied with current situation.

The importance of expressing oneself

Japanese tend to hesitate to express oneself. As proverb goes, the nail that sticks up gets hammered down. I believe that this characteristic is significantly disadvantage. They should aware the importance of expressing oneself. I’d like to talk about why I think so by using two points.

First, it’s important to avoid inconvenience. Indecisive attitude without expressing oneself could cause procrastination or pain in the neck. For example, I often chastise my wife when we go out dining. She tends to keep food serve waiting to order her dish for a long time. She often changes her mind after they come to take our order. I always point out her that she should pick up her dish in advance and never change it. It ends up us giving inconvenience to them. It’s a waste of time. Besides, it’s against public manner as extreme case. Expressing oneself is vitally important to keep mentally healthy condition.

Second, logical thinking. In globalize world, logical argument and direct debate are inevitable. Japanese tend to use common phrase such as “We will try to think about this matter positively.” It includes ambiguity and it could cause procrastination in some cases. Even Engineers who need logical thinking, they lack convincing data for argument. For example, some of my subordinates try to design our semiconductor micro chip for cell phone without any reason. I always chastise them. On the contrary, westerners demand clear ground/evidence. They set exact time/due date. I believe that this is good aspect Japanese should follow western’s example.

In conclusion, it’s not exaggeration to say that expressing oneself enhances efficiency in daily life or business occasion.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Is America's cultural influence positive or negative?

I believe that America's cultural influence plays positive role in our society. I’d like to talk about why I think so by using two points.

First, food culture. Especially fast food or dining out. We can expect to reduce burden for cooking. Recently, women have played important roles in our society and they pursue their own carrier. They don't have leeway to cook after work. In this case, dining out is effective to reduce their burden. For example, my wife has her own job. She is up to her neck. Therefore, I don't want to impose a burden on her to cook dinner after work. We usually go out dining when we have meal together. I believe dining out helps us to generate leeway in our life.

Second, logical thinking. In globalize world, logical argument and direct debate are inevitable. Japanese tend to use common phrase such as “We will try to think about this matter positively.” It includes ambiguity and it could cause procrastination in some cases. Even Engineers who need logical thinking, they lack convincing data for argument. For example, some of my subordinates try to design our semiconductor micro chip for cell phone without any reason. I always chastise them. On the contrary, westerners demand clear ground/evidence. They set exact time/due date. I believe that this is good aspect Japanese should follow western’s example.

In conclusion, America's cultural influence is significant in our society. I believe that it has positive influence.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Is religion important in today's society?

At first glance, we might be living in a secular society. However, I believe that religion plays an important role in today's society. I’ll talk about why I think so by using two reasons.

First, religion tells us the importance of life/the meaning of life through ceremony. For example, 80% of funeral services in Japan are held by Buddhism style, 10% of them are held by Christian style. In both ritual cases, the meaning of death or brevity of life is preached to us. We are living in fast-paced environment. But for this kind of occasion, we would tend to forget the meaning. I believe that religious ceremony could give us the opportunity to look back, reflect brevity of life and root of individual.

Second, influence on education or moral fiber. It’s no exaggeration to say that religion plays a crucial role for personality formation. For example, I can relate to my private experience. I graduated from a Christian University. The subject related to Christianity or the Bible is mandatory for graduation. I used to reluctantly attend the class. But one story significantly impressed me. That is “good Samaritan Law”. This story citing from the Bible implies that we should voluntarily help a victim in distress. Since then, I make it a rule to support those who need help such as physically handicapped people.

In conclusion, religion has great impact on today's society.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Are we too materialistic?

I believe that we are too materialistic as negative aspect of afluence. Let me take too much frequently model change of cell phone as example.

First, what a waste such a frequently model change is. Mobile phone products lineup are frequetly changed every quarter. For example, some young people change their cell phones as if they change their clothes. Their cell pones can be still used and its function is no problem. Is it worth changing it? In Japan, we have boastful idea to all over the world in terms of waste. That’s a “what a waste movement”. This idea originates from Japan with 3R’s reduce, reuse and recycling. However this frequently model change is against the idea. It goes too far beyond environmentaly freiendly spirit.

Second, immoderate pursuit of convinience. It’s no doubt that convinience store is literally convienient. We can get any food, drink, magazines and so on at the moment that we want to get for 24hours. It’s beneficial to all of us. But is it truly necessary to open 24 hours? I believe that is’s against the scence of power saving. It could prompt night owl type life style. For example. an international franchiser 7-Eleven. Initially, these stores were open from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. I believe that its operation hour is decent. Let’s take rest at night. As other aspect, they are also frequently converged in densely-populated urban area. In the vicinity of my living place, there are 4 convinience stores 50min radius.I believe that it goes to far beyond decency.

In conclusion, let’s stop immoderately pursuing wealth and luxury.

How has nature influenced Japanese art and culture?

I believe that nature significantly influenced Japanese art and culture. I’d like to talk about how deeply nature has an impact on forming Japanese culture with using two points.

First, the most popular artistic work is graffiti/wall painting of Mt. Fuji at public bath. Mt. Fuji is a symbol of Japan a lot of foreingners can image. This is one of the greatest mountains in the wolrd. It’s often taken up as subject of art work. Especially, wall painting of Mt. Fuji at public bath is brilliant. It has been said that public bath has function as a place for social interaction. It’s similar to pub in the U.K. I believe that Mt. Fuji and public bath is the best matching. When I enjoy this combination, I feel this is the moment I’m Japanese.

Second, influence to family name/city name. In western culture, it’s common to name someone after Christian saint such as Paul, John, Michael and so on. Same as city name such as San Jose, San Francisco and so on. On the contrary, Japanese includes text related to nature such as mountain, liver, wind, rain, Mt. Fuji and so on. For example, my family name includes letter of mountain. This is good evidence that nature has played crucial role forming Japanese culture.

In conclusion, nature deeply penetrates Japanese art and culture. I belive that this is few and far between case in the world.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Do entry checks stop terrorists?

I’m afraid that it’s impossible to stop terrorist. Some insist that a new immigration procedure obliging most foreigners to be fingerprinted and photographed works as detterrence. However it’s impractical to eradicate terrorism.

First, difficult to crack down on terrorists who pose general residents.

Now, we are living in so-called high tech age. It might not be necessary for potential terrorist to enter Japan. They can procede their activity as remote operation without entering to Japan. In this case, immigration procedure is useless. Way back when, North Korea used Radio signal on air to send message or direction to espionage agents who pose general residents in Japan. I believe that more sophisticated technology would be used in high tech age.

Second, full of inaccurate data. The lists are believed to include one compiled by the U.S. government and contain the names of 750,000 “suspected” terrorists. I’d like to express concern about how much we can trust its accuracy. The hostile structures are different between U.S and Islamic terrorist or between Japan and North Korea. Does the list contain “suspected” terrorists Japan intends to refuse from entering the country? How often is the list updated? I believe that this procedure heavyly rely on the inaccurate data.

In conclusion, I doubt whether it will stop potential terrorist from entering the country.

They can operate remotely. Besides, the lists are not trustworthy.