Saturday, November 10, 2007

high income of sports player

I believe that they deserve high income. Some criticize that it goes too far beyond decency. But it’ s worth paying.

First, reward for artistic play.

The world’s tennis top-ranked player-- Roger Federer.

His technical skill can be role model. He achieved ten Grand Slam men's singles titles. It is said that Federer may become the greatest player in history. His artistic play is beautiful. It’s no wonder that it fascinates young players and enhances technical improvement. Huge money is paid for artistic work. Let’s take art for example. $40 million for Gauguin, $90 million for Picasso. This sense against fine work should be applied to sports player.

Second, evaluated by the sponsor.

Let’s take Japanese baseball player – Daisuke Matsuzaka for example. The baseball club – Red Socks offered him $60 million. Obviously this price is based up on their own evaluation. The club is willing to pay for him to strengthen the team. As long as the clubs can afford to pay, it’s not big issue.

In conclusion, paying huge money is not vice at all.

Commercialization of sports(Olympic games)

Whether professionalism or Amateurism doesn’t matter in Olympic Games.

First, this is where athletes purely compete. This is where we can enjoy artistic performance. This is where physical leap of mankind is enhanced.

In ancient Greece, Olympic game was sports festival in honor of Zeus. Festival in general should be enjoyable event. This is where all walks of life can enjoy. In this sense, we should not draw the line between professionalism or Amateurism. Why not enjoy artistic play. For example, I was so impressed by the American Dream Team, composed of well-paid NBA stars in 1992 Summer Olympics.

Second, more or less armatures also have a hand in money activity.

So called corporate amateur has been common. Amateur athletes gain from better training facilities, equipment and stadium. In return, they are used as billboards for the sponsor. For example, Kousei Inoue, He won the gold medal in Judo at the 2000 Summer Olympics. He serves for security company. We can see him on TV CF.

Amateurism is disappearing. This became hypocritical illusion.

In conclusion, demarcation between professionalism and Amateurism is blurring.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Learning Asian language and culture

Learning Asian language and culture is significantly important for mutual understanding.

First, to promote interpersonal communication.

One of my subordinates is Chinese. His Japanese is brilliant regardless just 6 months staying in Japan. We don’t need to use English as common language. But I believe that it’s unfair to him to use only one side language – Japanese. I made my mind learning basic Chinese. I’m very happy that I’m in environment I can use Chinese if I wish. Simple Chinese such as greetings is good enough. This trivial effort makes our relationship close each other.

Second, cultural bridge. One of my neighbors is Chinese Tai Chi master. I had known that he has Tai Chi classes for the community. One day, I dropped in at the city gymnastic hall to learn his activity. I was so impressed by the huge number of people from the elderly to kids. He teaches 1000 citizens in total. What I was surprised most is his ambition. According to his explanation, he came to Japan as the cultural bridge between China and Japan. Both nations has bitter past. He wants to mitigate emotional conflict through Tai Chi. His young Japanese followers would play an important role to solve the antagonism through culture exchange.

In conclusion, learning Asian language and culture is effective to improve mutual understanding.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

The biggest threat disease for mankin

Economic point of view, there are two worlds – developed country and developing country. I’ll talk about the biggest threat disease for each world.

First, AIDS in developing country. More than 64% of HIV infected patients are in sub-Saharan Africa. I believe that AIDS is the biggest threat disease for developing countries. Medical point of view, the majority of third world countries would be unable to afford the drugs even at a breakeven price. Drug companies would have to sell their medications at a loss to make them affordable to most developing nations. I’d like to point out that education is also vitally important. Needless to say, education for safe-sex is important. But let me add basic academic skill. Let's take Literacy for example. The literacy in Niger is around 17%. They can not read the text and understand the warning. To the contrary, it’s over 90% and over. Especially, 99.8% in Japan. Apparently there is strong correlation between academic basic skill and infection rate. I believe it's important to maintain high level education.

Second, life style related disease in developed country. As negative aspect of affluence, life style related disease including obesity and diabetes hit our society. We are living in fact-paced environment. Our working time is increasingly longer than ever before. They tend to take high calorie food such as fast-food or not to eat lunch. Chronically improper eating habit causes serious disease.

For example, I developed gout a couple years ago. Gout is arthritis which causes pain. Usually, the joints in the big toe are affected. It is believed to be the result of gluttony and inherited. My case is diagnosed as inherited case.

In conclusion, AIDS and life style-related disease are our threat for mankind.

How does the declining number of student affect education

From the quality point of view, we can expect huge merits through the declining number of student.

Firstly, teachers can spend much time for each student. It could bring high quality of education.

Education at ease has been hot potato in our society for the last decade. The number of classes was cut and the education system was changed from six day school week to five. But some criticize that education level has been exacerbated since the policy was installed. Academic skill was not learnt well by students due to less classes. This is the matter of the number of classes. But we can extend this analogy to the number of students. If the number of students is small, the contents of classes would be also sophisticated.

Second, generate teacher’s leeway. Teacher’s leeway is also important factor to maintain high level education. Currently, it’s no exaggeration to say that teachers are up to neck for handling various duties and problems. Those are caused by the large number of students. My wife is school nurse in junior high school. She transferred to the current school which has 200 students. One year ago, she served the other school which had 400 students. Physically, her assignment such as medical check up was enormous. At the moment, she has leeway to take care of students from mental and physical point of view. Now she can spent time to consult student. It leads better education.

In conclusion, the declining number of student has some advantages. Trough the improvement of the quality, we can expect to strengthen national power at the end.