Saturday, November 03, 2007

The biggest threat disease for mankin

Economic point of view, there are two worlds – developed country and developing country. I’ll talk about the biggest threat disease for each world.

First, AIDS in developing country. More than 64% of HIV infected patients are in sub-Saharan Africa. I believe that AIDS is the biggest threat disease for developing countries. Medical point of view, the majority of third world countries would be unable to afford the drugs even at a breakeven price. Drug companies would have to sell their medications at a loss to make them affordable to most developing nations. I’d like to point out that education is also vitally important. Needless to say, education for safe-sex is important. But let me add basic academic skill. Let's take Literacy for example. The literacy in Niger is around 17%. They can not read the text and understand the warning. To the contrary, it’s over 90% and over. Especially, 99.8% in Japan. Apparently there is strong correlation between academic basic skill and infection rate. I believe it's important to maintain high level education.

Second, life style related disease in developed country. As negative aspect of affluence, life style related disease including obesity and diabetes hit our society. We are living in fact-paced environment. Our working time is increasingly longer than ever before. They tend to take high calorie food such as fast-food or not to eat lunch. Chronically improper eating habit causes serious disease.

For example, I developed gout a couple years ago. Gout is arthritis which causes pain. Usually, the joints in the big toe are affected. It is believed to be the result of gluttony and inherited. My case is diagnosed as inherited case.

In conclusion, AIDS and life style-related disease are our threat for mankind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since the discovery of AIDS in 1980s, it has killed more than 25,000,000 people world wide. Recently an American drug company failed crinical trial of AIDS vaccine on about 3000 people who were negative to AIDS at that time, among them some became more susceptable to AIDS. The company spent 20 years in preparaton for this experimentation. This is one of the biggest setback in AIDS research. Even now, everyday more than 1200 people get infected with AIDS. Developing AIDS vaccine remains one of the biggest chanllenge in modern medicine.