Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The borderline between luxury and necessity

The boderline between luxury and necessity seemed to be clearer in the past.
The demarcation lied between "must" and "want."
Today, however, to define the clear borderline seems more complicated
because our living condition has dramatically changed for the last decades.
I would like to talk about how the boerderline has changed by using
following point.

Some of goods have been rapidly transformed in the public’s eyes from luxury toward necessity. Let’s take air conditioner for example. According to one statistics, air conditioner is now considered necessity by seven-in-ten adults up from 50% in 1996. The other day, two tragic deaths hit Japan. One 84 year old female living without any air conditioner died from heat exhaustion/heat stroke. The other case is like this. One child left in a car without any air conditioner died from heat exhaustion too. Temperature in a car could reach at 50 or 60 degree on hot summer day. To prevent them, especially vulnerable people against harsh condition such as the elderly and children from death, air conditioner is necessity for them. This is the equipment not only for comfortable but also for surviving.

In conclusion, the borderline between luxury and necessity is demarcation between “survive” and “die”. Goods seemingly categolized in luxury can become necessity owing to circumstance.

Monday, August 27, 2007

How to encourage companies to create sustainable business

Companies play an important role to preserve our priceless environment. It’s very difficult to encourage companies to create sustainable business. The first purpose of companies is to make profit. Many companies appear to tackle with sustainable business citing “CSR” which stands for Corporate Social Resposibility. I’m afraid that sustainable activity follows making profit in reality.

To enhance the activity, here is one idea here.

Establishment of evaluation/ranking system. I propose audit body formed by media/authorities/government officers as watchdog. They should be evaluated by the audit body. Companies are significantly sensitive to media coverage. Therefore, they will make strong effor to earn good reputation from public. For example, evaluation is done by various aspects such as how much one company could reduce carbon-dioxide emission? What kind of environmentally-friendly products it release? Sony develops Bio Battery using a glucose solution. Ten points plus. Radio-active contamination of TEPCO. 100 points minus! Like this. This is not humorous comparison. In fact, the stock price of Sony after it anounced the Bio Battery went up 10%.

Through this corporate’s effort to earn reputation , we can encourage companies to create sustainable business.

In conclusion, I believe evaluation system is effective to arise company’s awareness for sustainable business.

Should teachers be required to renew their qualifications every few year?

Today, education is one of the most important issues we need to tackle with in our society because we have so many problems related to children and schools. It’s obvious that it’s important for us to secure quality teachers for better education. I believe that renewing their qualifications every few year is necessary. I’ll talk about why I think so with two points

Firstly, teachers need to keep abreast of current affairs and teach the significance to students. We are living in various values and fast paced environment. We have to learn a lot from specific affairs and adapt to diversified environment.

For example, dietary education. This is Education for food habit and life-style related diseases such as diabetes. This education is done by acquiring the knowledge and ability of choice regarding food. This type of Education has been shed light on within decade.

As evidence, two years ago, dietary education Basic Act was established.

Children who take snacks or who lack of exercise, tend to suffer from disease such as diabetes. To prevent them, proper education in school is needed. Teachers also need to learn and get new type of knowledge to teach their students. To promote learning current affairs to teachers and to secure minimum level of standard across the country, renewing their qualifications every few year would be effective.

Secondly, improve quality of teachers.

Let’s take teacher of English for example. According to the report from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, only 20% of entire high school English teachers in Japan hold the pre 1st grade and over. As for junior high school

teachers, the percentage was only 10%! I was so shocked by miserable

status-quo. It's no wonder that Japanese English is so poor.

To improve quality of teachers, periodic evaluation system in their specific field is needed. As my private opinion, I propose that holding the 1st grade should be mandatory for high school teachers, the pre 1st grad for junior high school teachers. If they fail, pay cut or license deprivation should be in force.

In conclusion, it would be effective to impose teachers on renewing their qualifications every years.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Advantages and Disadvantages of postponing retirement

I am strongly for postponing retirement age. It is too many to enumerate/list. Due to medical improvement, age to be over the hill is extended. The life expectancy around WW2 was 50 years old. Now it is over 80. Age restriction is old-fashioned system before appearance of demographic imbalance. I believe we can expect huge merits from it. I’d like to shed light on two aspects here.

Firstly, postponing retirement can be one of the resolutions for work shortage. According to the demographic statistics, one in four in 2025 would be over 65 years old. Even now, we suffer from demographic imbalance. To solve this problem, to extend the retirement age can be good solution. The merit system has been installed for the last two decades. I believe the system is not a matter of age. Current 50’s and 60’s are still alive and kicking. As far as people who are willing to work can bear fruit, they should be allowed to continue their career. Their contribution compensate for the shortage of younger work force.

Secondly, we can secure time to succeed technology and craftsmanship. In some fields, age and accumulated knowledge are strong advantage. Researchers, engineers and professors may very well benefit from their many years of experience. It's very difficult to take over their experiences within a short time. Why is it short? In an extreme case, old tech is simple. The longer time goes by, the more technology is sophisticated. For example, transistor radio uses simple technology, to the contrary, mobile phone with multiple function is so complicated. Younger engineers need time to master the distinguished knowledge and enhance it.

In conclusion, postponing the retirement age has two significant advantages. We can expect to secure work force and succession of technology and craftsmanship. These two are strongly related to national power.
If we don’t take measures on this issue, we will loose national power and competition in international markets.

Immigration and the Japanese economy

I believe immigrants play an important role for the Japanese economy. They are indispensable for Japanese companies as workforce. Many people criticize immigration from abroad and have negative perspectives such as cultural conflict and the increasing crime rate. But it brings huge benefits that more than compensate for the negative aspects. Now I’d like to focus on the solution of work shortage in Japan. Here are two advantages for accepting immigration for the Japanese economy.

Firstly, factory workers/plant workers. When I visited the subsidiary company in Minokamo city of Gifu prefecture on business trip, I was so surprised by the huge number of Brazilian. They serve for the company as factory workers. They are assigned to handle assembly process of VCR, Video Camera and so on. They play an important role to generate the company’s profit. Way back when, the subsidiary company was at a loss for finding younger Japanese as workforce. In 1990, Immigration Control Law was deregulated and the number of immigrants significantly increased. Since then, the profit of the company has been improved about 20%.

Secondly, industries in Japan rely on immigrants as intellectual contribution. For example, engineering field heavily rely on Indian to compensate for Japanese weak area. That is software and programming. I bet you’ve heard game product – Sony PlayStation. Operating system in PlayStation is programmed by a lot of Indian. Indian play an important role from implementing source code to project management. Sony can not produce PlayStation without Indian’s contribution. It is said that a lot of Japanese have hard time to tackle with Indian English like gun fire of barrage though. Anyway, we can create and offer better quality to customers than their rival companies. Their contributions strengthen Japan's competitiveness in international market.

In conclusion, immigration has significant advantages for the Japanese economy as workforce. They are inevitable for our society.

Drastic measures to solve the budget deficit in Japan

The budget deficit is one of the biggest problems in our society because this is the concern not only for our generation but also for that of the future. We need to take measures on this issue not to be blamed by future generation. Currently, we have 770 trillion yen for national deficit; it increases 100 thousand yen per second. It’s very difficult to reduce it. However, I’d like to shed light on two measures on the budget deficit.

Firstly, to increase tax revenue. I deeply understand this is painful and many people lambaste this aggressive measure. But this is necessary structural reform. We need to reset the deficit as the first priority. Money resources are incomes by increasing tax of higher income group and corporate. People who have 3 million yen revenue and below are exempted to pay tax. It’s unfair in democratic society. We should collect taxes from them. Small amount is good enough. It’s better than nothing. I believe that increasing tax is strait forward way and it brings benefits that more than compensate for the pain.

Secondly, we need to increase the transparency of how tax revenues are spent in parallel. If we prove of little value to the nation, we should categorically cut the expense. For example, expense of military exercise. It costs 4 trillion yen for military expenditures every year against 40 trillion yen for tax revenue. It makes up 10%. Surprisingly, we need 200 million yen to launch just one missile. What a waste it is!We need to stop inefficiently using tax now.

In conclusion, we need to take concrete measures on the deficit not loose national power or competition in the international market.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Is free trade a good thing?

I am strongly for free trade. Some people insist that free trade is not good for protecting their own domestic industries against foreign countries. But it brings huge merits that more than compensate for the negative aspect. I’d like to shed light on two aspects here.

Firstly, to export strong/pet products and import weak products. For example, Japan exports Automobile. American can own good fuel efficient car. Game products such as PlayStation, Nintendo DS, they can enjoy them. To the contrary, Japan imports MS Windows/Intel processor/Boing Aircraft and so on. If Japan are not allowed to import them, we would have been behind other countries. Vice versa. Free trade allows us to build the reciprocal relationship all over the world. As proverb goes, “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”. This is pertinent expression for the policy of free trade.

Secondly, we can expect freedom of choice and better quality of products. Renowned automobile maker such as Toyota, Honda, Nissan, they export high-grade cars. On the other hand, Japan import cars such as BMW, Ferrari. Free trade can enhance customer's satisfaction. Please imagine. Solely one product are allowed to purchase. This is against the policy of capitalism. Besides, freedom of choice encourages free competition. companies try to create and offer better quality to customers than their rival companies. Of cource, domestic companies need to fight with foreign companies. But through harsh competition, quality of products is improved. This is natural process in capitalistic society.

In conclusion, free trade is a good thing from two points. Mutually helpful trade and freedom of choice. There is no other system than free trade

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

How to protect traditional Japanese craftsmanship

According to the demographic statistics, one in four in 2025 would be over 65 years old. We suffer from demographic imbalance. Due to this imbalance, succession of Japanese craftsmanship is the biggest problem we have to tackle with. To solve this issue, Education plays an important role. I’ll propose two solutions here.
Firstly, excursion to visit misters and experience their craftsmanship. The most popular destination is cultural and historical city such as Kyoto and Nara. However, I propose students visit misters. East Osaka city established a committee to deal with the invitation of school excursion. Aoki corporation in East Osaka is renowned company among aircraft industry. It produces parts which need high tech for aircraft. It is designated as the best supplier by Boing. The purpose of this invitation is to make students experience and have interest of manufacturing Japan proud. I believe this is a good trend to preserve traditional Japanese craftsmanship.

Secondly, recoding for short term solution. Craftsmanship/technology was handed down by oral method and stone in ancient age. Advent of paper significantly improves the efficiency to hand down tradition. Now we are living in high-tech age. We can use recording technology such as sound/moving picture. We can record the mister’s technique and preserve it for next generation. For example, one soy source company in Kagoshima prefecture utilizes this high-tech to record the process and the technique. On the top of that, younger employee’s methods are also recorded. The point is that they can compare with Mister’s one and they can learn from the gap. Ironically, what we can do is to reduce the gap between real McCoy and developing technique. But it’s better than nothing.

In conclusion, we need new approach to succeed Japanese craftsmanship.
I believe Education has key role to protect traditional Japanese craftsmanship.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The borderline between luxury and necessity

Many people define the borderline between luxury and necessity as demarcation between “must” and “want”. To survive, we must obtain/own something such as water/shelter/clothes and so on. To the contrary, luxury is considered for better quality of life. You can survive without something such as sumptuous dishes/gorgeous super car/palatial home. I believe this is true. But I’d like to add one more definition to spice up this argument.

To achieve the 1st purpose is necessity, to feel more comfortable is luxury. Let’s take beer for example. Obviously, beer might not be a good example in this case. Because we can live without beer as long as we own water to survive. But I’d like to focus on satisfying our desire. Usually, I drink domestic beer such as Kirin 1ban. But I love Guinness beer from the bottom of my heart. It’s a little bit expensive in Japan. I drink Guinness beer when I achieve my fulfillment such as finishing my project on business or winning at the tennis tournament. So I compromise with domestic beer. I believe we live in one hierarchy. The bottom is fundamental part, in this case, to drink "beer" is main purpose. The product doesn't matter. The top is to pursuit one’s desire to feel more comfortable. The kind of products is a matter of additional part. This is not always necessary.

In conclusion, the borderline between luxury and necessity is demarcation whether we can achieve the 1st purpose or not.

Friday, August 10, 2007

How to deal with the problem of bullying

Today, school bullying has become one of the most serious social phenomena which we need to resolve as soon as possible.

This is the concern not only for our generation but also for that of the future. I am seriously concerned about this issue because children are our future and if we don’t prevent the deaths from the bullying, we will lose our future asset. We should stop our asset being degraded or oppressed.
Now, I'd like to talk about two ideas to deal with the problem of
Firstly, establishment of task force formed by students.

In most of the cases, bullying happens at school, especially behind
teacher's eyes, or no adult supervision. But students could be witness and recognize the symptom of bullying. We can expect their autonomous activity.
For example, one trial has shown that the task force was effective to reduce the number of bullying.

The task force was formed by not teachers but students. They voluntarily organize team
to patrol, set up a school problem box where kids can report problems, concerns and offer suggestions, build network to convey the symptom if
any. 60% of students signed up this program. Since then,
  due to encourage positive peer relations, it is said that the case of bullying was significantly reduced.
Secondly, establishment of counseling body.
The organization was formed by trainee teacher, university student
majoring in psychology and graduated student. The point is that they are
young and close to the age of bullying victims. According to the report
from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, many
bullied victims are not willing to come to parents or teachers for help.
In stead, they feel comfortable to tell the truth to senior associate.
In most cases, this is all that the victim wants and needs.
Inform the parents of the victim and of the bully. Discuss possible solutions with them. Arrange a meeting with them if possible.
In conclusion, I believe two kinds of approaches would be effective to reduce bullying within schools.
Establishment of task force formed by students and counseling body.

How to attract quality teachers to the profession

Today, education is one of the most important issues we need to tackle with in our society because we have so many problems related to children and schools. This is the concern not only for our generation but also for that of the future. Recently, a lot of people criticize poor quality
of teachers. Teachers have less ability to handle touchy issues than
ever before. As professional teacher, they should have strong vision to manage class and look after their students. If their efforts come off well, they should be praised in return for their fruits. It can be a good motivation to lead them to the better profession.

Now, I'd like to talk about two ideas to attract quality teachers to the

Firstly, implement teacher evaluation system.
Capitalistic society encourages free competition, companies try to
create and offer better quality to customers than their rival companies.
To edge out, they make a strong effort by evaluating themselves.
I believe this analogy can be applied to Educational field as well.
For example, "Plan, Do, Check and Action" type process is well common in
business world. However, it has been introduced to educational world since
very recently. This is effective to raise teachers’ awareness to
improve their profession and effective to build their vision to manage class.

Secondly, introduce performance based-system, awards system such as a bonus and a special promotion for outstanding teachers. Seniority system still remains strong. But it should be obsolete in educational world.
For example, one of teachers I know lamented how unfair the current system is.
 She has 20% more classes than average. Besides she supervises swimming team as an extracurricular activity. However, she is less paid than senior co teacher who has less classes and without any extracurricular activity.
Her motivation to the profession is getting deficient, cutting off. We should implement performance
based payment system in return for their effort in educational world.

In conclusion, to attract quality teachers to the profession, I believe
two kinds of systems are needed. Evaluation system and awards system.
Educational world should have a sense of privatization.