Saturday, December 29, 2007

How to improve the quality of education in Japanese universities

I believe that there is still big room to improve the quality of education in Japanese universities. I’d like to talk about this issue from two aspects.

First, enhancement of English speaking ability.
I'm afraid we have to admit that English level in Japan is quite low. Especially speaking ability.
How poor it is? At one international Semicon conference, interpreter is
assigned to Japanese speaker against speaker's will. Not for Korean and
Chinese but only for Japanese! This is a good evidence of Japanese poor English.
Despite 10 years of study, many people still can't handle speaking English.
Language ability is evaluated by solely through written methods in the
heated exam. wars. To the contrary, EIKEN includes a direct speaking component. We should more emphasize active ability to appeal one’s opinion than passive ability. 
I believe that installment of Eiken policy in Japanese universities is effective to improve their English level.

Second, sending employees of corporations to universities as professors.
It’s effective to make students experience cutting edge business. For example, one engineer of Panasonic resigned and he became professor of Tokyo Univ. One engineer of Toshiba became professor of Chuou Univ. They are sending significantly competent students to us. In both cases, those professors introduce the state-of-the-art technology to their students. It’s also beneficial to companies because it’s not necessary to teach them from scratch. I believe that we should more install this idea to the university program.

In conclusion, we can improve the quality of education in Japanese universities through language program reforming and implementing cutting edge business.

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