I'll talk about my experience and activity to improve English.I hope this could be used as some kinds of reference.I'd like to mention why I'm so enthusiastic about English. My biggest reason is as following:
I wand to be able to listen and pick up English properly.I want to be able to express my idea and mindset profoundly.I want to be able to argue in English deeply, not superficially.
Unfortunately, I'm not in environment of abundant English . I don't have bunch of opportunities to use English.Among this circumstance, how do I improve my English faculty?
By taking English exam., I keep measuring my progress in English. For example, TOEIC and Eiken 1st grade.The chart indicates my progress in TOEIC. Recently, I achieved over 900 scores out of 990. It was a long way to reach for me.I'm not satisfied with this level. Aim higher! As proverb goes, Ambition makes people diligent.I've never lived abroad. I'd like to challenge what kind of high level I can reach at.