Visiting Guam at the end of the year has been an annual event for us.Literally, no rest for the wicked other than this period. My life has been so hectic since last January.Father-in-law passed away due to cancer. Taking care of my parent suffering from senile dementia. Two projects needed finishing before leaving Japan.I hope it might be accepted to go on a trip to relax for a change. Why Guam? There are two reasons here.First, it's so convenient to go. Just three hours flight. Without any significant jet lag.Besides, we can experience almost all the same tropical atmosphere as in Hawaii.As another option for the destination, there might be Saipan on the table. In fact, I've been to Saipan. But I'd opt for Guam.Guam is more sophisticated than Saipan. In some reasons or other, I felt some kinds of poverty in Saipan. A little bit of dingy, lackluster downtown makes me feel so. Anyway it's no doubt that both of them are cozy.Another reason is to contract a friendship with a family we met several years ago in Guam.This time, they arranged the accommodation for us. The room I stayed at was more luxury than I expected. Thank my friend, Jeff(^^)I consider it a privilege to have known them other than the relationship on the job. I bet this kind of opportunity makes me have wide varieties of perspective. Let's say, family bond, radiance of youth, waning my strength, language and so on.I noticed that I've always been in same environment based on the job. As proverb goes, hard work and no play make Jack a dull boy. I must avoid becoming such a guy.

Photo: Jeff is windsurfing
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