Monday, April 11, 2011

I don't need extream nationalism

I'm going to take up nationalism today. In the past, I didn't have any
strong opinion about nationalism. But recently, I've have had some chances
to think it over. After several thoughs, I reached my conclusion that
today's Japanese nationalism is outmoded anymore, in other words, it can
be obstacle for mutual understanding in period of globalization.

Firstly, it would have a negative impact on the feeling of foreign
countries. The other day, I went to Yasukuni shrine for Hanami viewing.
It's brilliant and my feeling was full of herald of spring. I encountered
parade of military costume performer. Needless to say, a lot of foreign
visitors were included in audiences. I heard some conversation saying
that "it's weird" from foreigners. Apparently, this demonstration could
reflect Japanese notorious imperialism. I was so embarrassed.

Secondly, it would be hamper for business expansion and cross culture.
Let's take Takeshima which is disputed island for example. I was asked
my opinion about this diplomatic problem by my close Korean friend. I know
Takeshima has been controversial issue between Korea and Japan for the
purpose of hegemony such as exclusive economic zone. But I can imagine this
can be more serious as sentimental problem than I expected. If so, it's a
pity. I believe two countries are now establishing very good partnership
in business and pop culture. I want to consider that only tiny
percentage of people bring this issue up. I want them to refrain from
standing in the way.

In conclusion, I hope nationalism will not influence on mutual understanding.

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