Thursday, October 11, 2007

Women in politics

Traditionally, women has not played major role in policy formation but strong influence.

But I believe that women expand their influences all over the world. I’ll take up two cases, Japan and France case for example.

First, Japan’s case -- Nagano prefecture. It’s famous for relatively high voter turn out in Japan. It is believed to be because women play an important role as candidates. The turn out rate which is barometer to get attention is close to 70%. It’s a good trend to alleviate indifference. In fact, 20% of assembly members are women. If you take 4% on average into consideration, Nagano’s case is extreamly high.

Second, France’s case. Incumbent Franch presidentサルコジ won at presidential election. Half of cabinet members are women. Besides, he experienced one-on-one fight withロワイヤル who was female candidate at presidential election. I believe that this is a good evidence women play an important role.

In conclusion, increasingly women has played major role in policy formation.

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