The benefit of media’s influence is that it has a huge power which creates public movement. The reality is that some criticize it’s an axis of evil fabricate the news to obtain higher ratings or broadcast sex and nudity scenes. But if you take the huge benefit into your consideration, those criticisms are trivial. The benefit of the media’s influence is verified by three factors.
First, the media’s influence plays an important role to represent the public opinion. For example, the ex-leader of Democratic Party -- Naoto Kan, was disdained on ground of not paying pension insurance fee by the public voice over the media’s frequent report.
Second, the media can provide useful information to rally volunteers. For example, in case of earthquake having hit Niigata, the media’s frequent notice for donation and volunteer activity inspired a lot of people. This volunteer movement would not have occurred without the media.
Third, the media has the economic influence on various areas. For example, just one TV program -- “Winter Sonata” hit Japan. This phenomenon leads the increase of sales for tourism, film industry, publication and so on.
There is no other tool to move public forward other than the media.
In conclusion, the benefit of media’s influence contributes to forming public movement.